Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Holidays!

This December,
That love weighs more than gold!

~Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon

President's Holiday Gathering at the Administration Building.

Students read and recited poems during our "Poetry Slam"

Learning about Chanukah from Ms. Wolf

The children had fun eating pudding and playing with hand crafted ponies during our holiday party.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Messiah and More

Dear Parents,

Below is a note from Cathy Bailey

We will be hosting our annual Middle School Parent Night on Wed. Dec. 14 at 6:00 p.m. at Campus School in the playroom. We have invited many Optional Schools such as White Station, Ridgeway, Colonial, and Snowden. We have committments from Christ the King Lutheran School, Collegiate School, St. Anne's on Highland, St. Mary's, St. Agnes/Dominic, Woodland, and hopefully Lausanne School. We welcome all our parents and student's in the fourth and fifth grades. I look forward to seeing you there.

Have a Wonderful Winter Break!

Dr. Ivey had a wonderful time despite our bumpy bus ride.

Thank you to Miss Van Dyck who organized this musical adventure for us!

Charlie had fun at the Messiah.

The Great Poetry Race is Here!

This week, the fourth grade will participate in the first “Great Poetry Race.” Your child's challenge is to read "Jabberwocky," by Lewis Carroll, to as many adults as possible throughout the week. After your child reads the poem, his or her “audience” must sign the back of the poem. The goal of "The Great Poetry Race," is to read to as many different adults as possible. Therefore, only one signature per adult, per night will be allowed, as well as only one signature per reading. For example, in order to get a signature from two people listening at the same time, the student would need to read the poem twice. Feel free to call relatives or family friends, and have your child read to them over the phone! Just be sure to sign for that person. On Friday, December 16, students will participate in an optional “Fourth Grade Poetry Slam,” and the students with the most signatures will receive special recognition for their achievement!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Weekly Update, Moriah House, Assembly Pictures, and More

Holiday Giving Opportunity

In the spirit of giving, the Campus School students will be collecting items December 5th – December 9th for Moriah House and the Mid-South Food Bank. Moriah House is Memphis Union Mission’s safe house for women and their children. The Mid-South Food Bank fights hunger by efficiently collecting and distributing wholesome food, while educating the community about the problem of hunger and advocating on behalf of hungry people. In our tough economic times, these organizations need our help more than ever. Campus School families can help by donating the following items.

Monday: Paper Products
• toilet paper
• paper towels
• Kleenex-regular and purse size
• diapers
• paper plates/napkins

Tuesday: Toiletry Items
• baby wipes
• toothpaste/toothbrushes
• soap/deodorant
• bath/shower gel
• lotion – adult and baby

Wednesday: Cleaning Products
• dish washing detergent
• laundry detergent
• Clorox wipes

Thursday: School Supplies
• notebooks
• highlighters
• pens/crayons/markers
• paper

Friday: Non-Perishable Food Items * If you bring one canned food item, you may wear jeans to school. If you bring two canned items you may wear jeans and a holiday or other appropriate top to school!
• canned food (soups, stews, vegetables)
• peanut butter
• packaged noodles

Saying good-bye to Mrs. Underwood

Our school wide Red Ribbon Week Read-In was a huge success!

Our class was treated to a WebQuest Explorers lesson that was designed and prepared by students at the College of Education:-)

Ms. Molly from the Brooks Museum returned to Campus School. The children created their own Winter Counts

The U of M Marching Band visits Campus School for our Pep-Rally!!!

Hello Mr. McAfee

Holiday Card Assembly

Friday, November 25, 2011

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

The fourth grade team is focusing on improving our students’ reading fluency. Fluent readers can decode words accurately and effortlessly, use expressive features in one’s voice such as the use of pitch, volume, intonation, and rhythm, and finally, read at a reasonable rate so that reading seems automatic. Research shows that when students read a text multiple times, their fluency increases. This in turn improves comprehension, or an understanding of what has been read. Because fluency is the bridge to comprehension, fluent readers enjoy reading more than students who devote all their energy to sounding out words.
Beginning Tuesday, November 29, 2011, your child will receive one poem each week. As a part of their daily Homefun, students will need to read the poem out loud to an adult three times every night. This is called “Repeated Reading.” We encourage you to read the poem along with them! Encourage your child to read with prosody, expression, and most of all, have fun with it! Please sign the back of your child’s poem each night, and feel free to make a comment as well.
Once a month, the students will participate in “The Great Poetry Race.” Your child's goal will be to read the poem to as many adults as possible throughout the week. After your child reads the poem, his or her “audience” must sign the back of the poem. The goal is to read to as many different adults as possible. Therefore, only one signature per adult, per night will be allowed, as well as only one signature per reading. For instance, in order to get a signature from two people listening at the same time, the student would need to read the poem twice. Feel free to call relatives or family friends, and have your child read to them over the phone! Just be sure to sign for that person. At the end of “The Great Poetry Race,” students will participate in an optional “Poetry Slam,” and the students with the most signatures will receive special recognition for their achievement!

Healthy Choices Week!

Tuesday, November 29 - Red Ribbon Day: "Sock it to Drugs!"
Wear red shirts and crazy socks

Wednesday, November 30 - Walk for a Healthy Body Day
Walk-a-thon during P.E.
Wear a jersey from any sport you participate in and school uniform pants

Thursday, December 1 - Healthy Spirit Day
Wear Campus School spirit shirt and jeans
U of M Marching Band

Just a reminder about a few upcoming events...

Friday, December 2 - Confucius Classroom Dedication and Reception
Campus School Playroom 8am

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

All in a Word

By Aileen Fisher

T for time to be together, turkey, talk, and tangy weather.
H for harvest stored away, home, and hearth, and holiday.
A for autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart.
N for neighbors, and November, nice things, new things to remember.
K for kitchen, kettles' croon, kith and kin expected soon.
S for sizzles, sights, and sounds, and something special that abounds.
That spells ~~~THANKS---for joy in living and a jolly good Thanksgiving.

During E-Day, the Herff College of Engineering opened its doors to students and the community, where displays, demonstrations, lab tours, competitions and more revealed the wide world of engineering.

Thank you! Dr.Ivey
Our fourth grade students had a wonderful time and learned a great deal as well.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Weekly Update

On Friday, November 18th from 9:00 am-11:00 am the fourth graders will attend E-Day Open House!
E-Day Open House is held each November on the Friday before Thanksgiving. During E-Day, the Herff College of Engineering opens its doors to middle and high school students and the community, where displays, demonstrations, lab tours, competitions and more reveal the wide world of engineering.

Make plans to join us for Engineering Open House E-Day 2011!

Thursday, November 17: Domino's Dough Night
Wednesday, November 23 - Friday, November 25: Thanksgiving Holiday (No School)

Ms. Sherry taught another amazing lesson of philosophy.

Our amazing fourth grade class!