Friday, February 28, 2014

Discovery and TCAP Writing Assessment

 All 4th grade students will be taking Discovery Assessments next week. The purpose of the Discovery Assessments is to:
  • Predict proficiency for Reading, Language Arts, Math and Science
  • Screen students to identify risk for academic failure
  • Measure academic growth within and across years
  • Monitor progress on state standards and Common Core standards
  • Analyze student performance using reports that show proficiency, state and national percentiles, percent correct, item difficulty, and content mastery

TCAP Writing Assessment Monday, March 3rd

     Monday, March 3rd students will log into the MIST online testing application to take the TCAP Writing Assessment. This will be the 4th grade students' first time taking the test and it will be administered online.  During our Writing Workshop, students are receiving additional instruction in both word processing and analytical (non-fiction/essay) writing.  These sessions are being taught and completed during class.
Monday, March 3rd at the College of Education Computer Lab
  • Students will read two complex informational texts.
  • Texts will cover social studies or science topics.  We will not know the topic(s) ahead of time.
  • Students will write two essays:
    • One analytical summary about the first text.
    • One analytical essay about both texts. The essay will be informational/explanatory or opinion/argument.
Click on the link below for more information: