Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Weekly Update and Optional TCAP Practice Opportunity

I hope everyone is enjoying Spring Break!

As you know, TCAP is just around the corner, and we need your help! There is an amazing resource at the link below that we are asking you to complete with your child:
Unfortunately, we do not have the time - or the paper – needed to complete these practice tests during school hours. These practice tests are a GREAT way to have your child prepare for TCAP. The questions are in TCAP format, and there are four sections: reading/language arts, math, science, and social studies. You do not have to print these practice tests. Instead, you can have your child read it online, and answer the questions on notebook paper. However, everything must be checked and signed by an adult! (The answer key is in the document). One of the most important elements of this at home practice, is to review your child's answers, and revisit anything that was incorrect.
Every student who takes the time to do this extra TCAP practice will be handsomely rewarded with picnic lunches! For every section that is completed (there are four), students will enjoy a picnic lunch with the fourth grade teachers. Every section they complete will equal one picnic lunch. For example, if students complete all four sections, they will earn four days of outside lunch!

Please send the completed sections, CHECKED BY AN ADULT, to school by Friday, April 20. We will celebrate the students’ hard work the week of April 30.