Besides athletic ability what makes an athlete great? For more information
The amazing life of Satchel Paige will be the focus of our reading next week. |
A few updates on what is going on at Campus School.
CSPN Packets - were sent home last week. This packet included the CSPN Activity Calendar. Please use this to mark important dates in your personal planner. This packet may also answer some questions you might have about the CSPN Support Drive.
Support Drive - envelopes were sent home this week. Please check your child's communication folder. Let's get 100% participation again this year!!!
MCS back ground screening the web site is up and running. If you would like to be a chaperon for any field trips this year you must complete this screening. Please stop by the library Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. -- Friday 7:30 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. - or - Monday - Friday 2:35 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. It only takes a few minutes to enter your information. Once completed MCS can take up to two to three weeks to approve an application. Please do not wait until just before a field trip. Even if you completed the screening last year you must do it again - we have to renew each school year.
Skate Night - Friday, August 31st - Cordova Skate Center - 5:15 to 7:15 - The Skate Center closes to the public during this time. This is a private party for Campus students, teachers, friends and family. Plan to join the fun!
Grandparent's Day - September 7th - look for more information to come home soon.