Friday, April 5, 2013

Redbirds and TCAP Prep

Campus School will be going to the Redbirds Game on May 8.  All of the procedures will be the same as last year.  We will need parents to help drive us to the stadium.  Please consider driving for our class.  We will need seats for 20 students.  In order to put 2-3 children per car, we will need between 7-10 drivers. The information for the game including the cost and blue permission slip was sent home this week.  

I appreciate, in advance, your help to make this a great memory for our 5th graders. 

Preparing for Tests
• Maintain good study habits: Do your class work.
o Have a clear understanding of homework assignments before leaving class.
o Keep a record of assignments received and completed.
o Make a study schedule and follow it.
o Tell your parents about schoolwork and homework.
o Turn in homework on time.
o Get make-up assignments when returning from an absence.
o See teachers for additional help.
• Seek and use past homework assignments, class notes, and review materials.
• Follow directions.