Friday, December 13, 2013

Secret Person Project and Moriah House


Holiday Giving Opportunity
          In the spirit of giving, the Campus School students will be collecting items December 16th – December 20th for Moriah House.  Moriah House is Memphis Union Mission’s safe house for women and their children.  In our tough economic times, Moriah House needs our help more than ever.  This year there are seven children ages 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, as well as a two month old infant who will benefit from your generosity. Campus School families can help by donating the following items.
Monday: Paper Products 
·                  toilet paper
·                  paper towels
·                  Kleenex-regular and purse size
·                  diapers ( two month old baby)
·                  paper plates/napkins
Tuesday: Toiletry Items
·                  baby wipes
·                  toothpaste/toothbrushes
·                  soap/deodorant
·                  bath/shower gel
·                  lotion – adult and baby
Wednesday: Cleaning Products
·                  dish washing detergent
·                  laundry detergent
·                  Clorox wipes
Thursday: School Supplies       
·                  notebooks
·                  highlighters
·                  pens/crayons/markers                                                   

Friday:  Non-Perishable Food Items * If you bring one canned food item, you may wear jeans to school. If you bring two canned items you may wear jeans and a holiday or other appropriate top to school! Canned food (soups, stews, vegetables), peanut butter, packaged noodles, and sugar bulk or individual packet.