Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tour of CERI, Chapter 4 Test, and WHY Project II

 Tuesday, November 25th the 5th grade classes will walk to CERI to expand our knowledge of earthquakes.The continuing goal of CERI is to provide both scientific and non-scientific information about earthquakes and earthquake preparedness to people in the central and eastern U.S. who could someday be affected by a significant earthquake.
During the Iben Browning episode of 1990, CERI was the main regional source of earthquake information. Filling the information vacuum during the period of intense public concern had a permanent impact on public awareness and understanding of regional earthquake hazards. 

Monday, November 24th the students will be tested on Chapter 4. Please review plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes, and the atmosphere.

Why Project II forms will be sent home November 20th.
Due Date: December 15, 2014

All students are in the final phase of the written component of their science research projects.  They may now choose how to share their research information. Examples are: poster, PowerPoint, Prezi, video, demonstration, diorama, model, etc.
The project due date is Monday, December 15th, 2014. I will check your progress Monday, December 8th.  I will allow three homefun free weeks to complete the presentation part of your WHYII project.