The Effects of Independent Reading on Reading Achievement
Research clearly shows that the reading of meaningful, connected text results in improved reading achievement (Anderson, Wilson, & Fielding, 1988; Anderson, Hiebert, Scott, & Wilkerson, 1985; Elley & Mangubhai, 1983; Ingham, 1981; Taylor, Frye, & Maruyama, 1990).In one of the most extensive studies of independent reading yet conducted, Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding (1988) investigated a broad array of activities and their relationship to reading achievement and growth in reading. They found that the amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achievement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achievement made by students between second and fifth grade.
Among the many benefits of independent reading are the following:
Builds Fluency
Independent reading builds fluency. There is substantial evidence that unless students can accurately and effortlessly deal with the word-identification demands of reading, difficulties will result in comprehension and overall reading achievement (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974). There is also evidence that unless children read substantial amounts of print, their reading will remain laborious and limited in effectiveness (Allington, 1984; Stanovich, 1991). Finally, evidence exists which shows that when students do read substantial amounts of text, their reading performance improves (Bridge, Winograd, & Haley, 1983; Dowhower, 1987; Herman, 1985).Increases Vocabulary
Independent reading leads to increased vocabulary development. One of the best-established relationships in the field of reading is the very significant relationship between vocabulary development and achievement in reading (Baumann & Kameenui, 1991; Nagy, 1988). There is also evidence that shows that independent reading is probably the major source of vocabulary acquisition beyond the beginning stages of learning to read (Nagy, Anderson, & Herman, 1987; Nagy, Herman, & Anderson, 1985). This same research shows that while the probability of acquiring the meaning of any specific word simply through reading it in the context in which it appears in independent reading materials is not high, students who read widely can learn the meanings of thousands of new words each year.Builds Background
Independent reading builds background knowledge, or schema. Another extremely well-established research finding is that students' reading ability is dramatically influenced by the amount of interrelated information (schema) they have about the topic about which they are reading (Anderson & Pearson, 1984; Ausubel & Robinson, 1969; Bartlett, 1932). By reading widely, students are exposed to diverse topics and information which they can then use in future reading.Couple of quick reminders:
1) Lenny's Spirit Night (store on Highland) is this today 11/7
from 3 PM to 8 PM. Just tell the cashier you are with Campus School.
2) Jeans and Spirit Shirt day this Friday 11/8 to celebrate 100%
participation in CSPN Support Drive and U of M Homecoming. Kids can
wear U of M face decals is they want.
3) The U of M Homecoming parade has moved this year to
Saturday November 9, at 10:30 AM. Parade will start at Tobey Park and
the go down Central to Tiger Lane. The parade is always a lot of fun.
4) Yearbook
The Campus School Yearbook webpage is open for business:
* Or go to and click on YEARBOOKS on the top-menu.
* Or go to and click on YEARBOOKS on the top-menu.
* Upload photos: FREE
* 5th Grade Ads: Half page $75; Quarter page $45
* Business Ads: Full page $200; Half page $125; Quarter page $75; Eighth page $40
* Purchases will include a $1.00 processing fee for each checkout.
* Both Business and 5th Grade Ads need to be purchased AND completed by February 28th.
5) Kroger Rewards Card
Did you know that Campus School gets all most $1,000 a quarter from
the Kroger Community Rewards Program? Right now we only have about 60
families with their cards linked to Campus School. We get a percentage
of every dollar spent at Kroger if your card
is linked to Campus School so please take the time to enroll. Click on
the link below to get started. You will need your Kroger card, Campus
Schools Id is 81249 and if you do not have an account on the Kroger web
site you will have to create one.
6) Healthy Choices week will be the week before Thanksgiving--Nov. 18 through Nov. 22.
7) Middle School Parent Night will be Thurs. Dec. 5th at 6:00 in the playroom.