November 18 – Red Ribbon Day
“Don’t Slip Into Drugs””
Wear red shirts, uniform pants and favorite slippers
CPR Demonstration for 4/5 grades in Playroom
1:30-2:00 (4th Grade)
2:00-2:30 (5th Grade)
Tuesday, November 19 – Drugs Are Unbearable
Bring teddy bear to school
Wednesday, November
20 – Healthy Spirit Day
“Band Together to be Healthy”
Wear Campus
School Spirit shirt or Tiger Blue shirt and jeans
U of M
Marching Band Pep Rally
Choices Drawing
Thursday, November 21 – Healthy Body Fair (Playroom)
“Put a Cap on Drugs”
Student wear their favorite hat or cap
November 22 – Healthy Body Fair (Playroom)
“Play Sports for a Healthy Body”
will wear uniform pants and a jersey from a sport they play
Choices Drawing
Spirit T-Shirt Update
The order for the Spirit T-Shirt went to the printer yesterday so
shirts should be delivered to us in about 2 weeks. So we will probably
not have them sorted until the Mon/Tues after Thanksgiving. We will
attach your order form to your shirts and send
them home in your child's backpack. We will send another email out to
let you know to be looking for them. Sorry for the delay.
Moriah House
Mr. Shadow will be sending home information about our annual
charity drive for Moriah House in the next few weeks. He has a need for
16 large boxes to hold all the donations. If you have any please bring
them to his classroom.
Chick-fil-A Spirit Night
The Chick-fil-A at
Mendenhall and Poplar has asked us to start doing a Spirit Night with
them. When you purchase food (dine in or take out) on our Spirit Day we
get a percentage of the sales.
Our first Campus School Night will be on Tuesday, November 19 from 3
PM to 7 PM. We will have this event the third Tuesday of the month
for the rest of the year.
Skate Night
Next Skate Night is Friday, November 22 from 5:15 to 7:15 PM at the Cordova Skate Center