Many of you will begin the middle school process
during this quarter. Here are some tips to ensure that your
application process runs smoothly.
- All requests for copies of report cards, TCAP scores, etc., should be submitted 2 business days in advance of when you need them. Though it may seem like a simple copy request, please keep in mind that we have 70 students all with various needs. We will do what we can to procure the necessary copies for you within this time frame.
- Recommendation requests must be sent or faxed directly to the school from the school that is making the request. Teachers cannot write recommendations without this paperwork. Private schools will fax us a form that we fill out and fax back. Optional schools do not require a recommendation. Recommendation requests can take between 3-5 days to complete due to the amount of requests we receive. No completed recommendations will be given to parents or students. We must fax them from the school fax line.
- This link includes dates and will provide you with information to apply for SCS Optional Schools:
- They will start passing out bar-coded applications at 6:30 a.m. that morning. The applications, along with ALL necessary documents, must be submitted by January 30.
- Attend open houses and schedule tours with prospective schools.
Here are some important things to know for January:
- Kroger Community Rewards has established a new policy where you must re-select your organization at the beginning of the new year. Please click on this link to select Campus School as your Kroger Community Rewards organization. This is a very successful fundraiser for Campus School.
- Click here to order a 2014-15 Campus School Yearbook, purchase an ad, or upload photos! If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Dixon. Prices are listed below.
- Yearbook: $25
- Upload photos: FREE
- 5th Grade Ads: Half page $75; Quarter page $45
- Business Ads: Full page $200; Half page $125; Quarter page $75; Eighth page $40
- Purchases will include a $1.00 processing fee for each checkout.
- Both Business and 5th Grade Ads need to be purchased AND completed by February 28th.
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is Monday, January 19. There will be NO SCHOOL on this day.
- Chick-fil-A Spirit Night is Tuesday, January 20, from 3:00 to 8:00 p.m.
- Family Fun Night is Thursday, January 22, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
- 2015-2016 Registration Period for NEW students is
Monday-Thursday, January 26-29, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and
Tuesday, January 27, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Please see attached
2015-2016 Registration Packet.
- Family Gathering Helpers - If you would like to help Mrs. Bailey, please click on this wiki link. It is a fun way to start your Friday!
- For more updates and reminders throughout the week you can find us on Facebook. Click here to like Campus School.