Thursday, January 29, 2015

WHY Project III

WHY Project III Black History Month Biography Project
Report Directions

Your Name  __________________________________
Famous Person Assigned by Random Drawing  ________________________________

Project Begins:  Jan 30th    Written Report Due: February 16th   Speeches Begin:  March 2nd  - March 6th


WHY Project III Report

Background Information on the Person

You will need to read and locate information from at least (2) sources such as:
1.      Biography novel about the African American of your choice.
2.      Encyclopedia (on-line or print/book)
3.      Internet source
*Bibliography attached as Handout 1*

Written Report 5 Paragraph Format
Use Microsoft Word or write your final copy in your best handwriting about your famous person.  Include information in a logical (it MUST make sense) order to include:
-         Where was this person born?  In what year?
-         Where did this person grow up?
-         What does/did the person do for a living?
-         Why is this person famous?  What did/does this person do to become famous?
-         How has this person made an impact on others’ lives?
-         Quotes and interesting information about this person
-         Fill out the bibliography information sheet showing three sources used and attach it as the last page of your report.

Public Speaking
This activity will give you an opportunity to practice speaking in public.  You will dress up (as much as you can) as your person and pretend you are the person.  You will tell all about your contributions, and about your life.  You will need to rehearse at home.  Speeches will begin in March.  You will sign up for a time to give your presentation.

Remember you will be scored for:
Content – important details included
Organization – a clear beginning, middle, and end.
Language – appropriate and interesting words (think vocabulary words we have studied)
Delivery – good eye contact, volume and body posture.

Handout 1
Student Name  ___________________________________________

Bibliography of Sources Used
Book Title:  _______________________________________________________________________

Author:  __________________________________________________________________________

Name of Publisher  _________________________________________________________________

Date Published  ____________________________________________________________________

Print Encyclopedia Title:  ____________________________________________________________

Volume Letter ____________ Volume Number  ____________         Date  ______________

Name of Publisher  _________________________________________________________________

Place Published  __________________________________________________________________

Date Published  __________________________________________________________________

Article Title  ____________________________________________________________________

Pages Used  __________________________________

On-Line Encyclopedia Title  _______________________________________________________

Internet Address:  ________________________________________________________________

Date you used this site  ___________________________________________________________

Internet Website Title  ____________________________________________________________

Internet Address  ________________________________________________________________

Date you used this site  ___________________________________________________________

Internet Website Title  ____________________________________________________________

Internet Address  ________________________________________________________________

Date you used this site  ___________________________________________________________