Thursday, March 26, 2015

Survey, Cell Project and TCAP Homefun Packet

Dear Parents,
Please take the opportunity to respond to the link below.  We are seeking input on the calendar for Spring Break for the 2015-16 school year.  Ultimately, you are helping us in determining if we will align Campus School’s Spring Break with UM or SCS.
This survey will close at 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 6.  If you have any questions, please contact me at or your classroom teacher.
Thank you,
Susan Copeland

Our Science TCAP Benchmark Homefun was passed out today. It is due April 17th.  The students are to use their text books to verify their answers choices by indicating/writing down the page number next to each question. For example question 1 has to do with adaptations. Adaptations is discussed on page 114 in our text book. So your child should write page 114 next to question 1 on the homefun packet. ALL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE BUBBLED AS A,B,C,OR D. (F=A, G=B,H=C,J=D).

Attached are the 5th Grade Cell Project directions. They may be viewed in the pages section. DON'T PANIC it is not due until April 13th.  A hard copy of the project was passed out Monday, April 23rd to all the students.