Wednesday, April 8, 2015

5th Grade Banquet

Dear Parents,

We are sending home information today with the students about our 5th Grade Banquet. I am attaching a copy to this email so we can keep you informed. The end of the year activities keep us busy!


Mr. Shadow

April 8, 2015

Dear Parents,

We are in the process of finalizing our plans for the Fifth Grade Banquet.  This year, we will be celebrating together in the University Center Ballroom on the University of Memphis Campus, Tuesday, May 12th.  Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. for those that wish to dine.  The program will start at 7:00 p.m. 

We must get an accurate count of people planning to attend.  Please fill out the form below but do not send any money now.  Payment will not be due until May 8.  We ask that you return this form no later than Monday, April 13th.  If you are uncertain of final numbers, make your best guess.  Changes can be made if necessary. 

We encourage every child to be in attendance.  This is a celebration of their achievement while attending Campus School.  The banquet is held in honor of your children and is not a fund raiser for our school.  We collect only the cost associated with catering and facility rental.  Dinner tickets will be $15 each. There is no charge for attending without dinner.

DATE:  Tuesday, May 12th  
TIME:  6:00pm until approximately 8:15pm